Welcome to my Website!

The audio above is audio and can be played


Due to limitations in carrd, I am moving to Neocities, link to the early version of the website is below.
(Why am I only allowed 50 elements?)

The Website

WilliamWorx Inc

William Szalay

(@Planet Man), (@TopHattedTerror), (@Slwitherio_512)

Welcome, I exist, and I exist in these online pages too.
.. / -.-. .- -. / .- .-.. ... --- / -.. --- / - .... .. ... / ... --- / - .... .- - .----. ... / -.-. --- --- .-..
You can visit me if you want, but don't worry, I won't mind it at all, because I don't have a mind.
Don't Starve Together is a great game
Oh yeah I have some accounts yeah the links are below this text there are seven six links to go to, so go to them
The second Discord icon is for my server while the first one is my account ok you can go now thank you for visiting
there is some cool stuff below the icons

The Garbo is the Garbo

Garbo is strange to say the least, he lives in a dumpster, enjoys tacos from a VERY specific taco-truck, speaks backwards, wears a purple bag of crab chips(?) that were seemingly inedible(????), and is always seemingly getting kidnapped by robots, he also has a weird car/ship/portal thing that looks like his own face that allows him to fly, and he lost ownership of it for a while because he parked it directly into the side of a bush and didn't pay the parking meter, causing it to somehow get towed.
Truly, a very strange sackperson.

Below is...

William's Whatchamacallits*

*(Stuff I'm working on)

Something that I'm making in Tabletop Sim, currently in very early stages. Below are some tastes of it. (Don't mind the watermarks.)

The bartender, he is great at his job, strong, and is canonically voiced by Microsoft Sam.

One of the current consumable items in the game: cheese!

The board for the game, it's not the landscape itself but is more of an icon for the board itself and the album. (OH we'll get to that later.) It's also not watermarked because it's pretty basic.

The currency for the RPG will be Gold, but there is a sub-currency for it:PEONIES.

Peonies work like pennies, trade in 20 for 1 Gold, there's also:
Knick-Knacks which count as 5 Peonies.
A Dimely counts as 10.
And a Quartzman counts as 15.
If any combination of these 4 can count up to 20, you can trade them in.

Standard battle music, for standard battles, simple enough. Don't mind the silence after it's ends, that's an error on my part. (WARNING! This music is pretty bad.)

The battle theme for the first boss that may be encountered, The Rat King. (This one is pretty decent.)

Coming soon?????????????????????????????
(yeah I have no idea when this will release or if it ever will release.)

If you want to learn more about me, you're going to have to dig deeper.